So, we've brought the office with us! Both of us have our laptops with us, and so far we've both put in (mostly) full workdays, with JT working from the desk in the bedroom and KT from the dining room table. We even have a rabbit to take care of, who is, as I type, hopping round the living room carpet. (He seems to be afraid of the hardwood floor, so it's like he's in a 4' x 6' playpen.) We've been to two of the big weekly outdoor French markets, eaten untold numbers of baguettes, walked along the Seine, had a crepe, and embarrassed ourselves speaking French. The pressure was really off when, on the trainride here, I pulled out my "Top 10 Paris" book and realized we've already seen 8 of the 10 things, and don't really care about the other 2. So, nothing to do but enjoy the fact that we can telecommute from anywhere. And, nothing to do but eat cheese.
(To be explained later.... Also, here are photos so far, with no captions yet, so use your imagination. The rabbit is the pet, not dinner.)