We've been excitedly planning some of our first European adevnture next month: the cute town of Lindau in Germany and the canal-laced medieval city of Bruges in Belgium. But last night I realized the Belgium trip will take us away from Eel Day 2007!
Ely is a village just north of Cambridge that houses a gorgeous cathedral. Before the surrounding area was drained of water a few centuries ago, Ely used to be an island and it was named after the local eels. On Eel Day, smoked and jellied eels are sold, the town criers move through town, and there's a parade. Last year a statue of Ellie the eel was unveiled to great acclaim (right).

There's now even a contest to see who could throw an eel the farthest--although I'm annoyed that political correctness prevents the use of real eels (something akin to stuff socks are used). Missing all this make me very sad. But maybe some of you want to visit next spring and go to Eel Day 2008!