We passed the keys over to niece J, who would make the Cleveland Park condo her home for 2+ years. And we ... well, quite frankly I can't remember what else we did. Perhaps took a walk around the neighborhood. Perhaps we ate Vace pizza. Perhaps I took one final walk through the zoo.
Late in the afternoon, the car service arrived to take us and our 7 suitcases to Dulles. We were very curious about our flight -- our Maxjet flight had been canceled and so we were flying (at no additional cost to us) first class on Virgin Atlantic.
Not too shabby. I regret to inform you, however, that it was still an airplane. And no amount of cocktails, airline pajamas, or free movies changed that.
I honestly can't remember whether my mind was still racing with questions -- how long would we stay? Would we like it? How would I like my new job? How would JT like his? How quickly would we find somewhere to live? After all, I had the preceding 3 months to ask myself these questions.
By the time we got to the airport, all I could do was look down at our one-way tickets and think, "Off we go!"