More amusing, my whinge (British for “whine”) prompted a discussion among U.K. science writers of how to test for British-ness. A few samples:
--do you put a “Z” in realise? (Brits do)
-- Brits should also be able to remain in an orderly queue, hold a conversation about the weather, and act surprised when it snows as if it never happens…
-- ...before drinking a gallon of alcopops and laying waste to Ibiza (Translation: Alcopops are fruity/soda-like alcoholic drinks and Ibiza is a Spanish island in the Med known for its clubs and parties attended by non-natives)
--do you swear in English at the cashier in a foreign supermarket about the fact that they won’t give you plastic bags (like the French, and for environmental reasons).
And my favourite (notice my spell-check approved this British spelling!) answer:
All nationally ambiguous entrants will be presented with a social situation of unfeasible awkwardness. If they stare at their feet, shuffle uncomfortably, clear their throats and generally make every possible effort to ignore what's going on like a true British citizen, they can enter [the award competition]. If they comment on what's going on in any way, they're excluded.