Since we've been car owners for two whole weeks, we thought we'd actually drive the car (which is named Ralph, by the way). First stop: Petrol (British for gas) station. 45.5 liters of petrol for £50 = 12 gallons for US$100 = US$8.30/gallon.
So, we drove all of 7 miles or so to Angsley Abbey, where we've been a few times before. They're known for good snowdrop viewing. Snowdrops (the white flower above) make their appearance in January, and they're all over Angsley Abbey. Angsley's winter garden is lovely, too. More pictures below.
We made further use of our new car by going to a New Grocery Store to buy all the heavy things that don't work well in a bike basket. Then we ran into one of JT's coworkers. Nothing like running into someone you know when your shopping cart's full of Diet Coke and beer.
So ... that's all I got. We'll try to get back to being more thrilling soon. Or else I'll just resort to eating more weird food for blog fodder. Here, look at pretty pictures.